Every day, 5 to 10 arc flash incidents happen in the United States. They cause around 7000 burn injuries and 400 deaths annually. So, if your business uses various electrical equipment, you need to look for ways to enhance safety. One of the key things you can do is to invest in arc flash labels. You’ll need to regularly update these labels to enhance safety. You may, however, know how to properly do this task. Read on to discover how to update arc flash labels.
Conduct an Arc Flash Risk Assessment
The first step to the process of updating the arc flash labels is to carry out a second arc flash assessment as per the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers standards (IEEE 1584). A trained professional, such as a licensed electrical engineer or a safety consultant should manage this process to avoid errors.
Relevant information comprises system voltage, amount of incident energy, short-circuit current, and available fault current that will be collected. These parameters help to evaluate the degree of arc flash hazard in the system and the controls that should be in place. This new evaluation makes sure that the arc flash labels are current regarding the hazards that may be present, thus reducing the risk of electrical injury to the workforce. This assessment is important because it lays the foundation for revising and taking all safety measures.
Update Incident Energy and Other Key Data on Labels
After getting the assessment and the risk levels, the next stage in the process is to consider adding the data as well as the regulatory requirements stated on the labels. The incident energy, arc flash boundary line and the additional information on PPE requirements had all to be redefined and documented in that order due to the new occurrences. This data is significant since it dictates the degree of protective equipment to be utilized by the workers and such data should be accurate and up to date.
The label should show all the new system voltage as well as working distance. It is extremely important to ensure that proper-proportion labeling is followed so that all necessary procedures in case of danger are done. Labels need to be right to ensure worker safety.
Design, Print, and Install New Arc Flash Labels
Prepare durable and legible labels that meet the safety requirements after you get the updated data. Use labels that are resistant to adverse environments like high temperature, moisture, etc. The font and the general layout of information should be such that the essential facts, such as incident energy, PPE encouragement, and arc flash hazard boundaries, are clearly understood.
For instance, this software ensures that certain companies adhere to the guidelines set by the NFPA. Apply the labels after printing on the parts of the machinery that present the hazards and ensure that they are made quite conspicuous. Pack the labels making use of either glue or screws so that the wide coverage of the working environment in relation to safety signage is optimized.
You can simplify updating arc flash labels by seeking professional help. The idea is to find a reputable company that offers electrical safety training. You’ll get guidance on effective ways to prevent arc flash incidents.
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