From Risk to Security: The Power of Document Redaction Tools

“Redacting” is the practice of editing a document to remove sensitive information before it’s published or otherwise made public. This practice plays a critical role for many people working in industries that are highly regulated. Healthcare, legal, defense, banking and finance, and government workers all have requirements and responsibilities to maintain privacy and protect people’s personally identifiable information.

In the old days, businesses had to redact documents by hand. When you hear the word “redaction”, you are likely picturing the classic printed document with words erased in black marker. However, in today’s digital world manually redacting a document is possibly the least secure way to do it. Manual redaction carries the risk of accidentally exposing sensitive information that can come with devastating legal problems.

In this guide, you’ll learn how a document redaction tool will benefit your business over old-school manual redaction.

Save Time and Work Efficiently

One of the main features of a document redaction tool is that it eliminates the need for someone to go through a document and hand-redact the necessary information. Automated processes are, obviously, more efficient than manual ones. For companies that deal with huge amounts of documents and paperwork, such as a doctor’s office, law firm, or retail bank, automated redaction means saving hundreds of man-hours and thousands, if not millions, of dollars.

Digital tools can be scaled according to your business needs, so large and small businesses benefit from a redaction tool.

Work More Collaboratively

Digital tools allow for multiple users to work in the same document without creating a new version. When one person is done working on a document, the tool saves their work and labels their changes so each collaborator knows who has made what change. Most redaction tools will allow multiple users to edit a document simultaneously so they can work together in real-time.

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This feature extends to reviewers as well, so the final review step can be completed faster, a vital feature for those working in time-sensitive industries.

Redaction Tools are More Consistent

Automated digital tools eliminate most opportunities for human error in the redaction process. You don’t need to worry about a piece of information being overlooked and accidentally revealed to the public. You can also create rules that apply to all documents across the business so documents are redacted the same way each time.

Manual redaction, even if it’s done digitally, carries the risk of things slipping through the cracks, which can result in fines and other legal penalties.

Reduced Legal Risk

Even if your business isn’t in a highly regulated industry, it’s still likely subject to privacy and security laws such as the EU’s GDPR or individual states’ privacy laws. A redaction tool can scan a document and recognize all relevant pieces of information that need to be kept private. A document can be made compliant with multiple laws and regulations with a single click of a button.

Redaction tools also include an audit trail to record who suggested which change to a document. This audit trail protects companies in the event of an audit and holds relevant parties accountable for mistakes.

Every business operating in a highly regulated industry needs to get redaction right. Choosing an automated tool over manual redaction saves these businesses time and money while reducing risk and allowing team members to collaborate more effectively.

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